This research aims to determine how the influence of brand trust on the decision to stay at the Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar. The problems at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar include: the existence of a competing brand with the Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar which is equivalent (hotels & resorts) in West Sumatra, hotel locations that are difficult to find, prices that are quite expensive do not match the facilities obtained, up decreased room occupancy rates at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar, room occupancy rates at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar did not meet the minimum target achievement of 55% / month, statements of guest dissatisfaction due to irregular parking, guest comments about existing amenities and facilities at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar.
The type of research is descriptive quantitative using the causal associative method involving two variables, namely (1) Brand Trust, which consists of indicators of viability and intentionality (2) Decision to Stay, the indicators consist of brand selection product selection, purchase time determination, purchase amount, purchase channel selection, and payment method. The research population is guests who stay at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar. Samples were obtained using incidental techniques, amounting to 98 people.
The results of the study were: (1) Brand Trust was in the very good category (60.2%) (2) The decision to stay was in the sufficient category (84.7%). Then the results of the simple linear regression hypothesis test F 16,658 which the provisions are sig. 0.000 <0.05, the variable brand trust can explain that the variable for staying overnight is significant with a value of R Square 0.148. Brand Trust affects the Decision to Stay by 14.8% and 85.2% is influenced by other factors. Then the t value was obtained 4.081 with the sig level. 0.000 <0.05. Furthermore, obtained a significant relationship between the two variables.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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