Motivation of Tourists to Visit Lake Talang Destination Object
This study aims to determine the motivation of tourists visiting Lake Talang Tourism Object in Solok Regency and evaluate it with indicators of physical motivation, cultural motivation, interpersonal motivation, and status and dignity motivation. This type of research uses quantitative descriptions with a total sample of 83 people from 469 populations and uses a purposive sampling technique. The questionnaires distributed were measured using a Likert scale and processed using SPSS 20.00. From several steps taken at the time of the study, the results of the research were based on the characteristics which it can be concluded that the majority of tourists are female visitors aged 20-24 years who have the latest education in high school/equivalent have a job as a student/student and are not married and have visited as much as 1 times to Talang Lake. Based on motivation indicators, the majority of tourists visit to rest, relax, take a leisurely walk, and calm the mind with a percentage of 63.51%.
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