Analysis of Culture Barriers in the Implementation of PLI Overseas for Hospitality Management Students
This research started from information and observations that the authors found from students who had completed their Internship (PLI) abroad. The industrial place which is a multinational company causes a cultural mix between local culture and foreign culture. This cultural diversity is of course not easy for students because of the existence of cultural barriers or cultural barriers. Based on the problems above, this study aims to describe the cultural barriers to the implementation of PLI abroad for hotel management students through three indicators, namely: language, behavior, and ethnocentrism. This type of research is classified as quantitative descriptive research. The population that the author uses in this research is students majoring in tourism who have completed carrying out PLI abroad as many as 26 respondents, the sample of this study is a saturated sample consisting of 26 respondents obtained from the 2015 batch of 4 respondents and the class of 2017 as many as 22 respondents. The technique used in data collection is using a questionnaire arranged in the form of a Likert scale. The results of this study as a whole show that: 1) the culture barriers variable obtained in very good category 38.46% of respondents and good category by 61,54% of respondents, 2) language indicators obtained the percentage of very good category 96.15%, 3) behavior indicators the percentage of the very good category is 92.30%, 4) the ethnocentrism indicator has obtained the percentage of the good category is 61.54%.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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