This research is motivated by the large number of people who have not implemented health protocols, especially in restaurant businesses, even though the government has issued regulations regarding the application of health protocols in restaurant businesses. This study aims to determine the application of health protocols in restaurant businesses in Lubuk Begalung District, Padang. The benefit of this research is to increase awareness of restaurant business actors in Lubuk Begalung Subdistrict, Padang about the covid 19 health protocol.
This research method is descriptive quantitative with data collection techniques through direct observation of restaurant businesses in Lubuk Begalung District as many as 72 restaurants. The technique of determining restaurant samples was carried out by proportional random sampling, in order to obtain 30 restaurants as the research sample. Data was collected using an observation guide in the form of a checklist. Data processing was carried out by analyzing the Indicator Achievement Technique (TCI).
The results of this study indicate that some of the health protocols in the restaurant business in Lubuk Begalung sub-district have implemented the Covid 19 protocol rules according to the Minister of Health and Regional Representatives of Padang, but there are still many protocol indicators that have not been implemented properly. It is necessary to suggest that restaurant business actors should increase awareness of implementing the Covid-19 health protocol and for the government to take action by controlling restaurant businesses in Lubuk Begalung District and providing sanctions for violators.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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