
Muhammad Hasbi Asshidiqi
Youmil Abrian


This research background backs to see the workload room boy in HouseKeeping Department Daima Hotel Padang during the Pandemic (COVID19). This study is an analysis of the workload of the room boy, the number of rooms cleaned and the length of time spent working during the pandemic (COVID19). The research objective was to determine the amount of workload room boy during the pandemic by referring to the data provided by Daima Hotel Padang. Based on interviews and observations of the author with the Human Resource Coordinator, the workload assigned to room boys at the Housekeeping Department Daima Hotel Padang is divided into 3 indicators. First, the target room boy must achieve for one shift (morning shift). Both conditions of work to be carried out by room boy. The third standard of work roomboy.

This study uses a quantitative descriptive method, using data occupancy rooms a population originating from the Housekeeping Department Daima Hotel Padang. By using secondary data sourced from the Human Resource Department, with a sample of 4 roomboys at Daima Hotel Padang. Analysis techniques with work grouping roomboy, measuring the time to complete a task roomboy for one day, and calculating the productivity of work roomboy.

The results of this study can be concluded that the job desk main roomboy ie cleaning the room thoroughly on the morning shift. The total productivity of working hours for room boys is 360 minutes, this is obtained after measuring the working hours room boys, where the calculation figures are obtained from the working hours roomboy's for 8 hours (480 minutes) minus the ineffective working room boys hours for 2 hours or 120 minutes. So as to get the results of effective work roomboy hours 6 hours (360 minutes). The ideal number of  roomboys in the Housekeeping Department of Daima Hotel Padang is 8 people in one day with 92 rooms available and 80% of occupancy which is divided into 5 people on morning shifts, 2 people on evening shifts, and 1 person on night shifts.


How to Cite
Asshidiqi, M., & Abrian, Y. (2021). WORKLOAD ANALYSIS ROOMBOY AT HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT DAIMA HOTEL PADANG DURING PANDEMIC (COVID - 19). International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management Studies, 1(1), 34-39. Retrieved from


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