International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management Studies
<h2>Journal Description</h2> <div style="font-size: 12px;"> <p style="text-align: justify;">The International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management Studies (IJTHMS) is a social science journal concentrating on the scholarly aspects on tourism and hospitality management. Although aiming towards a synthesis between theory and practice, the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management Studies (IJTHMS) is primarily dedicated to developing theoretical constructs. Its strategies are to encourage and encourage offerings from different disciplines; to serve as a forum through which they may interact; and thus to expand the knowledge boundaries and contribute to the literature on hospitality and tourism in the social sciences. In this position, the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management Studies (IJTHMS) is both organized and structured by the research efforts of a multidisciplinary group of scholars.</p> <p><strong>Frequency: 2 issues per year</strong><br><strong>DOI : 10.XXXX</strong><br><strong>e-ISSN : XXXX-XXXX</strong><br><br><strong>Important Dates :<br></strong><span style="font-size: 0.9em;">Paper Submission Date: Any time<br></span><strong style="font-size: 0.9em;">Online Publication Date: Last date of June and December</strong></p> </div>Universitas Negeri Padangen-USInternational Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management StudiesAnalysis of Culture Barriers in the Implementation of PLI Overseas for Hospitality Management Students
<p>This research started from information and observations that the authors found from students who had completed their Internship (PLI) abroad. The industrial place which is a multinational company causes a cultural mix between local culture and foreign culture. This cultural diversity is of course not easy for students because of the existence of cultural barriers or cultural barriers. Based on the problems above, this study aims to describe the cultural barriers to the implementation of PLI abroad for hotel management students through three indicators, namely: language, behavior, and ethnocentrism. This type of research is classified as quantitative descriptive research. The population that the author uses in this research is students majoring in tourism who have completed carrying out PLI abroad as many as 26 respondents, the sample of this study is a saturated sample consisting of 26 respondents obtained from the 2015 batch of 4 respondents and the class of 2017 as many as 22 respondents. The technique used in data collection is using a questionnaire arranged in the form of a Likert scale. The results of this study as a whole show that: 1) the culture barriers variable obtained in very good category 38.46% of respondents and good category by 61,54% of respondents, 2) language indicators obtained the percentage of very good category 96.15%, 3) behavior indicators the percentage of the very good category is 92.30%, 4) the ethnocentrism indicator has obtained the percentage of the good category is 61.54%.</p>Shinta Putri RahayuTrisna PutraArif Adrian
2021-12-312021-12-31124044Analysis of Employee Training Implementation at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar
<p>This research is motivated by the results of the Industrial Field Experience and the author's observations about the implementation of employee training. The population of this research is all employees at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar by using a sampling technique of non-probability sampling with a saturated sampling of 48 samples. The technique of collecting data is by distributing questionnaires that are concurrently using a Likert scale of 20 statements that have been tested for validity and reliability with the SPSS 22.00 program. The results of the research from the implementation of employee training at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar are in the sufficient category (45.8%). Meanwhile, in terms of training indicators, they are (1) The type of training is included in the sufficient category (70.8%), (2) The objectives of the training area in the good and sufficient category (35.4%), (3) The training method is in a good category (54.2 %), (4) The training instructor is in the sufficient category (45.8%), (5) The training participants are in the sufficient category (35.4%), (6) The training material is in the good and sufficient category (31.2%) ( 7) The training time is categorized as sufficient and very bad (37.5%).</p>Loly MaharaniIra Meirina Chair
2021-12-312021-12-31124551The Effect of Ticket Prices on Visitor Satisfaction at the Kinantan Cultural and Wildlife Park Tourism Object, Bukittinggi City
<p>This research is based on the findings of problems such as visitor dissatisfaction because many animal cages are empty, ticket prices are relatively expensive and counter service is not optimal. This study uses a quantitative method with a causal associative approach. The population is visitors to the Kinantan Cultural and Wildlife Park of Bukittinggi City (TMSBK) in 2020. The sample of this study was 100 participants using purposive sampling. Research data in the form of main data and additional data. The research instrument used was a questionnaire arranged according to the Likert scale which had been tested for validity and reliability. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it was found that R square was worth 0.175, which could mean that the impact of the ticket price variable on the visitor satisfaction variable was 17.5% and 82.5% was determined by other factors. Furthermore, the calculated F value is 20,739 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05, thus it is concluded that the ticket price variable has a significant effect on the visitor satisfaction variable. The t-value is 4.554 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05 for the price variable. The linear regression coefficient is 0.547 with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. It can be interpreted that every additional 1 ticket price measure will add 0.547 visitor satisfaction.</p>Febria MonalisaYoumil Abrian
2022-01-012022-01-01125256Brand Equity Cooffe Shop Kulo in The City of Padang
<p>This study originated from the observation of researchers at coffee shop Kulo, researchers found several problems related to brand equity where consumer awareness of the brand of coffee shop Kulo, the brand of coffee shop Kulo is not well-known enough in Indonesia. The problem is the poor perception of consumers about service quality and the brand association of coffee shop Kulo. Lack of variety in the menu offered to consumers, thus making consumers disloyal. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the analysis of brand equity coffee shop Kulo Padang.</p> <p> </p> <p>The type of research used is descriptive with quantitative data. The variable used in this research is brand equity. The population in this study were consumers who visited the Kulo Coffee Shop, with a total sample of 98 respondents. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative to obtain an overview of the frequency distribution of the data which includes the maximum, minimum, mean, median, and standard deviation values with the help of Microsoft Excel and SPSS.</p> <p> </p> <p>Based on the results of data processing from 98 samples, which have been tested for validity and reliability using SPSS. It is known that consumers' assessment of the brand equity overall of 39.8% in the range of58.67 ≥ 73.33 in the good category. Brand equity in coffee shop Kulo can be seen from 4 indicators, namely (1) brand awareness of 25.4% with a fairly good category, (2) perceived quality of 28.6% in a fairly good category, (3) brand association of 24, 5% with good enough category, (4)indicator brand loyalty of 33.7% with bad category.</p> <p> </p>Amblil FitraYoumil Abrian
2022-01-012022-01-01125762Motivation of Tourists to Visit Lake Talang Destination Object
<p>This study aims to determine the motivation of tourists visiting Lake Talang Tourism Object in Solok Regency and evaluate it with indicators of physical motivation, cultural motivation, interpersonal motivation, and status and dignity motivation. This type of research uses quantitative descriptions with a total sample of 83 people from 469 populations and uses a purposive sampling technique. The questionnaires distributed were measured using a Likert scale and processed using SPSS 20.00. From several steps taken at the time of the study, the results of the research were based on the characteristics which it can be concluded that the majority of tourists are female visitors aged 20-24 years who have the latest education in high school/equivalent have a job as a student/student and are not married and have visited as much as 1 times to Talang Lake. Based on motivation indicators, the majority of tourists visit to rest, relax, take a leisurely walk, and calm the mind with a percentage of 63.51%.</p>Melda FitrianaTrisna Putra